Saturday, March 26, 2011

UPSC IAS Interview questions 2011

1, Mr. Harjot Singh's
interview: March 24th AN.
(He is from Chandigarh;; socio & geography); hobby: 
Football ;Board: Rajni Razdan
interview is in afternoon.. but
by mistake he wished Good morning to Madam and then corrected himself...
Chair(C): your name, your Roll
no..; what is Spoofing, phishing
what is the new feature
added to Google search engine
what is social networking?
Which is more popular Social networking site you use? 
Harjot(H) said: Twitter
C: why?

1st member(M1): what is
racial profiling
? what are its positive outcomes?
H: Gorkhas are given a positive
image in British military. 
M1: what is the race of Gorkha
in British rule?
H: Martial race

M2: you watch Football.
but  i will ask you about Hockey.Why the game 
is not popular in India
now? what steps you suggest for regaining its lost status?
What is Astro Turf(he
used this term while answering), what are the advantages
And disadvantages of Astro Turf
(made Hockey field)?

M3: Coming back to computers,
what is difference between Http and Https?
What are the causes for Digital divide? How can you bridge the gap?
M4: to what extent Digital
divide is there in Chandigarh? What
steps the Govt took to bridge the gap?

M5: what is the speciality of Chadigarh?
H: it is a well planned city.
M5: what is Urban planning?
What are the subjects that are under urban local govt?
M5: if you are made an
administrator of urban area, what areas you focus upon?
H: transport; I go for MMTS,
M5: but where do u get funds
for this?
M5: tell me one issue which is
most talked about?
H: Climate change.
M5: what is global warming?
What is ozone layer?
M5: Do you know who is
Hargobind Khurana (he is from Punjab)?
M5: do u follow current
H: yes
M5: in which states there will
be elections held?
M5: which is the party ruling

2. these are the q's asked to my friend Mr. Govind Mantri.(He is a from Vijayanagaram(AP); worked for TCS; geography & Public admn are optionals; board is VIJAY SINGH, 23rd March 2011.

here are the questions:

1. You don’t like software that is why you are coming to civil services, isn’t it?

2. Specific problems of your district? And solutions.

3. On farmers suicide

4. MFIs

5. How will you use IT in admn

6. 3 Major problems faced by our country

7. Isn’t communalism also a major problem?

8. More and more enterpreneers from AP? Why?

10. Urban problems and solutions?

11. AP -> is caste a problem?

12. Libiya?

. Have you joined any coaching institute?

Interview of Mr. Rajasekhara Reddy with IMG Khan on 02.04.2011
He is working as Asst. Exe.Engineer with Dept of Irrigation, AP. He is
From Chittor dist.(AP). Optionals are Geography & Public Administration.
  1. do u think Irrigation is new to this age ?
  2. what is the diff b/w now and then?
  3.  ur from which dist?
  4. did u visit the old fort?
  5. how they irrigate on the hill fort?
  6. did u worked in the field?in what project?
  7. what is imp of Minor irrigation?
  1. what are the geographical regions of india?
  2. how geography affects foreign policy
  3. what are the factors to be consider for foreign policy?
  4. why trust deficit between India and Pak?
  5. tell me after independence?
  1. u r having high qualification, why u want to shift to civil services?
  2. how ur experience will be utilized?
  3. what are the organs of Govt?
  4. which is responsible for whom?
  5. How legislature controls executive?
  6. Ours is paper democracy? what is ur comment?
  7. there are events like booth capturing, rigging ,then how there is democracy?
  8. Is ours absolute democracy?
  1. what is CAD?
  2. why it is needed?
  3. Don’t u think Dam is enough to irrigate command?
  4. To construct a road one person is absolutely zero corrupt but he cant construct it and one person is corrupt but he can do the work? tell me for which u assign the work?
  5. In the war in your team 9 constables were died but u won the war, and then is winning your credit?
  1. What is the diff between radio and radioactivity?
  2. What exactly contains radioactivity?
  3. Who is “soft person”?
  4. Is India a soft state?
  5. What is the diff between Geography and Geology?
  6. Is plate tectonics geography or geology?
  1. What did u observe in the behavior of Japanese after Tsunami?
  2. Do u think civil services need that?
  3. What are the calamities naturally occur in your state?
  4. Tell me how the civil servants should act in that scenario( calamities)?


  1. Thank you for sharing interview questions.

    Placement Papers

  2. Last month you gave a seminar in HSC on how to prepare for the exam. Thank you for the guidance in the seminar.

  3. I have some doubts regarding Reading Comprehension. I have bought book for PAPER-2(CSAT) exam , where it is mentioned that a reading speed of 400-450 word per min is good. My doubt is when we are preparing for mains/prelims we will be reading newspaper articles/editorials/optional subjects, do we really need to maintain that word limit or is it sufficient to limit that word limit for CSAT exam only? If at all we need to maintain a word limit for GeneralStudies/optional subjects then what speed will be good enough so that we can analyse and understand properly whatever topic we are reading.

    1. Hi Vikas..I didnot understand what u meant by wordlimit. however, reading speed depends on the amount of practice and comfortability with the subject. Normally, 150 to 200 words per minute will be alright. Try to practice exercises for improving ur reading speed from TIME material. Read widely, give more time for reading good books & articles. I believe you need not worry about reading speed.

      just read an article, and then summarise on a piece of paper what you have read.. this will improve your reading comprehension.. start with simple and easy to understand books like YOu can win by SHiv khera , and gradually pick up bigger, tougher books... all the best..

      if u have any further doubts, send me a message on Facebook (sridhar GEDELA (IRAS) is my id)..

  4. Dear Sridhar ,

    Word limit means I was talking here about reading speed.Any way I got my answer from your reply. I will try to maintain the 200 words per minute while reading and also try to summarise what I have read.
    Thank you for the suggestion.
